I wanted to let you all know about a new page that I have helped set up and made things for.
Its called Sammii Made Me.
Basically, this page is for handmade keepsakes and treasures, they are made for everyone
(Babies, Children, Adults)
Also includes memorial items for memory boxes in memory of Angels and more!
I bought some clay and moulds and cutters etc. to use to make things out of to make for people who are grieving, and to help bring some people some peace.
Also, I hoped that I could make things that mean more than some silly graphics that I spend hours at a time usually making and never get nothing in return - not that I ask for anything, but something more than:
"Thank You, Saved" or "Thanks" or "Saved"
Just makes me feel sad, because I feel that what I have made isn't good enough, and no one seems to show any appreciation anymore :(
Hopefully, this will bring people happiness and appreciate these a little more.
Especially since I have found that there aren't many sites that make and personalize items like this for you in the UK, I have found that many of them, especially on facebook are in the United States!
Which means you're paying a little more for the item including a lot more on postage!
Which means you're paying a little more for the item including a lot more on postage!
With a bit of luck, I can help change that!!
If you are reading this, and are interested please come and find them here: