Wednesday, 6 April 2011

4 Tiny Angels..

Today the sun has been shining, there has hardly been a cloud in the sky..
The birds have been tweeting and chirping at each other..
My cat too has been lounging out in the sun..

4 Tiny Angels Dance Across The Skies

All in all i have to admit, it has been a nice day, and an ok day for me too.

Only down side is thinking, i think too much and it hurts!

Never spend too much time thinking, it never is good for you! lol trust me, i know! ;)

I have been thinking though, about my past and last years event, including this years event! And i hadnt realised until today, just how many angels i truely have.

I hadn't forgotten, just never mentioned the two miscariages i had before Billie (my ectopic 2010) and i thought i should remember them 2 in some small way, as i do with Billie.. and my 4th Angel in heaven.

Reason why i been thinking a great deal, is because on the 3rd April was our Mothers Day in the United Kingdom.. Everywhere else has a different day, i believe.. Or at least i know the American's do!
Day before i had been reading up on different things, I think i was finding out some information for a friend but i ended up reading about miscarriages online on BUPA. I had posted about this already, but i now know what happened with the 'missing period'

I guess really i dont know what it is i am trying to say, as there is so much inside i dont want to share, but do want to share that it gets complicated..!

But Mothers Day, i had got a kind message from a friend, wishing me a Happy Mothers Day, from my Billie :) So, i had sent her the same back, but from her child whom she also lost..!

I guess upon learning that i have had 3 miscarriages and i have had an ectopic, i realised that it may seem that i am infact Infertile?